Discovery of Old Boiler

Whilst out walking in the countryside
a Heritage Group member chanced
upon this very unusual scene.

Is this an unique example, to find a hot water boiler and its pipework that has survived to outlive the building it was originally installed inside to heat. Where the structure of the building has simply disintegrated.

To identify the type and manufacturer of the boiler presented a challenge for the Heritage Group. Hopefully they have come up with the right answer. Judge for yourself.

The boiler is named the "Exmoor" and was made by the Bristol heating firm of Skinner Board & Co.  They manufactured and erected many sizes of Greenhouse and Hothouse, and this style of boiler and pipework was designed specifically for this type of use. 

It was named the "Exmoor" to commemorate the many years Skinner, Board & Co occupied premises in Exmoor Street  Bedminster  Bristol. 

APRIL  2004