St Andrew's Church
Adforton  Herefordshire

St Andrew's Church was designed and built in 1874 by Architect J Gillmore. It is located on the A4110 in north Herefordshire. In keeping with several churches in Herefordshire it has a ventilation system which introduces fresh air into the Church the purpose of which most likely is to reduce or prevent condensation occuring on inside wall surfaces.

Circular 'hit & miss' registers have been fitted in seven window cill reveals, each with earthenware pipe that have been fitted in the wall and connected to the register.

These pipes open into the floor void where the fresh air circulates. The effectiveness
of the ventilation system depends upon the wind direction and strength and its effect against the external walls of the Church.

  A register can be seen in each of the two window reveals on the left hand side.

Circular registers fitted in window reveals

Typical circular 'hit & miss' register with centre thumb adjustment control, set into window cill

External view of a typical stone inlet ventilation opening into the sub-floor void.

A historic significance report about the ventilation sytem
in the Church was prepared in response to a Grant offer
- English Heritage. Click on read report  to view the
contents of the report.

AUGUST  2013